Watch: Giant Iceberg Breaks Off Glacier

    Wonders of Creation: Huge iceberg crashes and creates rainbow

    You Mean I Can Have a Mikvah in My House and Pay for it in Installments?

    Now purity is more accessible than ever before

    Desert Fox Hunts A Lesser Jerboa – Wonders of the Wild

    Can the desert mouse outrun the fox? Watch more fascinating Wonders of Creation

    The Secret to a Happy Life

    Develop your interpersonal relationships

    Dear Mother, Believe in the Child Hashem Gave You

    The following moving letter from Iris Yifrach, written on the day her son Eyal’s body was found

    How Do You Win Against Smart Phones? You Make a Beautiful Library!

    Tianjin in China made it their number 1 priority

    Watch: Ari Goldwag – Yerushalayim – A Cappella

    Ari Goldwag sings an A Cappella version of the song "Yerushalayim," whose full-music version appears on the album "Lo Nafsik…

    10 Facts about Hacham Rabbi Yehuda Fattiah, on the Anniversary of His Passing

    Today, the 27th of Av, is the anniversary of the passing of Hacham Rabbi Yehuda Fattiah, one of the greatest…

    Abraham Chooses Kindness – What it Means to be Spiritual

    “The importance of being hospitable to a bunch of heathen idolaters is greater than receiving the presence of God Himself”

    How to Create a Relationship with G-d

    How Can a Human Being “Become One” with G-d? What type of relationship are we supposed to have with Hashem?…
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