Get Unstuck!

    Don’t let life pass by waiting for something to happen, you make it happen

    Knowledge of fish and marine creatures in the torah

    The Giver of the Torah reveals another law of nature which He created: every fish, or any other water creature,…

    Teachings of Rav Asher of Stolin

    The son of Rav Aharon of Karlin.

    Neshome’le – Shimmy Levy, Levy Falkowitz & Yedidim

    A heartfelt rendition of the song “Neshome’le” composed by Abie Rottenberg

    Maimonides – The Rambam: 10 Facts in Honor of His Yohrtzeit

    Is this what he really looked like? Which books didn’t he complete?  Today the 20th of Tevet is his Yohrtzeit.…

    Watch: Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein of Chabad Poway Delivers Powerful Speech at the White House

    "We cannot control what others do, but we can control how we react", said Rabbi Goldstien. The Rabbi received a…

    The Holy Ari

    10 facts about his life in Honor of his Yohrzeit on the 5th of Av (Tonight)

    Who Am “I”? Man Mistakenly Assumes that “He” is His Body

    From the moment man comes to the world, he is naturally driven to take care of himself. Doing all he…

    New Study Confirms: Other Senses of People Born Blind Are More Developed

    The brain compensates for loss of vision and develops these alternate tracks for more effective living

    Dramatic Footage: Missile Explodes Near a Bus Packed with Soldiers

    A vehicle sustained a direct hit from a rocket near Yad Mordechai, killing the driver. The rocket miraculously landed meters…
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