Readers Respond: “Shabbat Makes Me Depressed!”

    Readers convinced that fully keeping Shabbat will make them miserable responded to our article about using cell phones on Shabbat.…

    Kol Haneshoma – With Every Breath by Avi Kutner

    Composed and performed by Avi Kutner in honor of his son's birth. Enjoy

    Listen to Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Zt”l Sing in his Youth

    Rare video of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, of blessed memory, singing with his amazing voice

    2000 Years Ago They Kept Kosher

    Archaeological digging in ancient Jerusalem refuse dumps shows people in Jerusalem ate kosher…

    Boruch Levine & Simcha Leiner: Ashreinu by Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz

    How should we respond to the recent events in Pittsburgh and attacks in Southern Israel? How should we respond any…

    Made in Heaven: Marriage

    G-d is busy making matches getting couples together

    Rebbetzin Jackie Bitton Invites Women to Elul Inspiration

    Come to Rosh Hashana with renewed strength

    Japanese Men Sing Carlebach’s Barcheinu Avinu with Rabbi Benny Lau

    Japanese Men from the Makuya movement Sing Shlomo Carlebach's Barcheinu Avinu. The Makuya movement is a group of fervent lovers…

    Sounds – A Technical Explanation

    How is it possible to see sounds? The technical challenge
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