Free Will In Action – Rabbi Akiva Tatz

    Battles are always being fought at the point of free will, and that point is always changing

    Too beautiful

    Every generation has nisyonos on its own level

    Watch: One day in the life of a sea cucumber

    Or as King David put it: “How great are Your deeds, G-d, all of them were made in wisdom.” Watch…

    What Side Is Best To Sleep On?

    Some scientists suggest that the left side may be the healthiest to sleep on at night. Is this true for…

    The Influence of Man’s Actions in the World

    Man's actions in the physical world set the mechanisms of the upper worlds in motion, generating blessing, success and the…

    Gallery: Rare Images Caught on Camera

    A breathtaking gallery of awesome moments in the field of extreme sports. Enjoy

    Watch: Killer Whales Swimming at Full Speed

    Tourists from New Zealand recorded breath-taking footage of killer whales swimming out at sea

    A Baal Teshuva is like an Immigrant (Part two)

    We can discuss the 5 stages they both go through in more depth

    Kobi Peretz & Yaakov Shwekey: ‘Veafilu Behastara’

    G-d stands with us even during difficult times when things are hidden
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