Brainwashed – The Proper Attitude towards Misused Words

    Brainwashed - The Proper Attitude towards Misused Words Words really mean something

    Pasteurization in the Talmud

    “R. Yochanan said: [Drink] a cupful of witchcraft, but not a cupful of tepid water.” How Did Rabbi Yochanan Know…

    How Did this Family of Ducks Cross the Waterfall? Watch and Find Out

    Your browser doesn’t support video. Please download the file: video/mp4 Cialis avec mastercard Où acheter du viagra Le viagra est-il…

    The Guide for a Successful Marriage

    Invest in your spouse and appreciate your spouse's investment in you

    Who Needs the Satan? Why Did G-d Make Him? (Part 4)

    The affliction or reward a person suffers is created from his deeds the Satan is a manifestation of the bad…

    High Holidays Meledy – Shloime Daskal, Ahrele Samet, Pinky Weber & S Brodt

    Yomim Noraim Medley – A stunning performance by the Freilach Band, the Shira Choir, Shloime Daskal, Ahrele Samet, Pinky Weber…

    Watch: Who is Rich? He Who is Happy With his Hands

    This emotional clip will help us forget our troubles, and begin to thank G-d for the countless blessings He bestows…

    Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky’s Unexpected Learning Partner

    A remarkable story firsthand: Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky accepted the request of a 14-year-old boy, the two studied together for many…

    How to Like the People You Love – Rabbi YY Jacobson

    Rabbi Jacobson explores the struggles we experience in our relationships and marriages, and teaches how to shift our focus and…

    A Song For Shavuot: Ma Ashiv – The “Thank You!” Song

        Even though these are difficult times, there’s so much to so say “Thank You!” for. This is my…
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