Do Cherries Need to be Checked for Bugs? – Watch
Rabbi Moshe Vaye says that cherries from Brazil don't need to be checked, whereas cherries from Argentina need checking. It…
Shabbat – Resting the Way God Rests
It is essential to develop an understanding of the idea of 'rest' that is so central to this holy day.…
Shanghai, bais yaakov and Yehudith Cohn Goldbart
Parshat Hachodesh: Your Key to Renewed Strength
10 facts about Parshat Hachodesh
The 9th Thing Messianic Jews for Jesus Don’t Want You to Know
The Torah commands Jews to listen to our sages and our sages rejected Jesus
The Law of Conservation of Mass and Energy – in Ecclesiastes
Although Scientists have come to this Conclusion only Recently (250 years); The Torah Tells us about it Thousands of Years…
The Colors of the Rainbow – Rabbi Zamir Cohen
What message is conveyed through the Colors of the Rainbow?
The Temple Mount
What is so unique about the Temple Mount?
Belief in the Ultimate Goal
What is the ultimate goal of creation according to traditional Jewish belief?
Alliel: Am Yisrael Chai – Don’t Worry Bout a Thing
Masterpiece by Alliel & Moshe Friedman