Successful Gene Splicing May End Many Genetic Diseases

    Researchers successfully removed a faulty gene from a fetus splicing in a healthy one instead

    Introduction to Conscious Judaism – Part 1

    Yakov Kirsh takes you on a journey to explore and experience your inner spiritual world. Must watch

    Treasures in the Suitcase: small mementos tell a larger story

    A weekly Look at The Kleinman Family Holocaust Education Center

    Learning Responsibility on Rosh Hashana

    King Avimelech is exhibit a of what shirking responsibility looks like

    Secrets of the Deep

    "A BIG BALL" - Spectacular video of the unity power of sardines, which is the secret of their survival

    Where Will you be When the Messiah Comes?

    The Talmud (Gemara) teaches us that 3 things come by surprise - The Mashiach (Messiah), a valuable object that you…

    The Rabbi From Caracas

    The Adventures of the Rabbi from Caracas, Venezuela who dedicated himself to bring all those Jews back to where they…

    No More than a Whisper – The Best Date Ever

    In this short clip, Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen shares with us eye-opening advice on how to create an intimate moment with…

    Watch: Behind the Scenes of Creating Water Images

    Watch this spectacular technique for creating water images, with the use of sophisticated technology. See how it works

    See the World’s Highest Man-Made Waterfall on a Chinese Skyscraper

    The Chinese man-made waterfall reaches the height of 108 meters. It costs almost $120 per-hour to pump water to the…
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