Drinking Water: What are the Benefits?

    Besides not dehydrating there are many other benefits too

    The Continental Drift According to Kabbalah

    Two thousand years ago, before Europeans had discovered North America, South America and Australia, how would rational men of science…

    The Structure of the Earth’s Crust Testifies: “G-d Created the World”

    The structure of the Earth’s crust has baffled scientists for generations.

    Who was Rashi?

    He was one of the greatest interpreters of the Bible throughout the ages, he innovated hundreds of words, and according…

    Free Will In Action – Rabbi Akiva Tatz

    Battles are always being fought at the point of free will, and that point is always changing

    Why Can’t We Make Peace with the Palestinians?

    Where did they come from and why aren’t they partners for peace?

    Former Miss Israel: “I Wouldn’t Go back Even 100,000 Shekel a Day”

    “G-d sends me livelihood without my doing immodest photography shoots”

    The Jewish View of Happiness

    What is the path that leads to happiness in a world of ordeals? Are we meant to strive for happiness?…

    Intermarriage and Judaism – Points to Ponder

    Food for thought on Marrying Jewish by Ollie Anisfeld & J-TV
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