The Mystical Aspect of Mirrors
Mirrors have enabled science to potentially move much closer to the truth of the Torah
Watch: How a Cat Managed to Jump into the Dog Cage
The cat in the video did not want to be alone in a cage in the pet store, so he…
Rejecting $3 Billion From Facebook
What One 23-Year-Old Can Teach Us About Vision & Passion
The Woman According To Kabbalah
What do her innate abilities have to do with the ‘World of Doing (Asiyah)”?
Couple : demandez au Rav.
Nous pensons au mariage mais les parents s'opposent.
How does Judaism view Christianity & Islam? Rabbi Akiva Tatz Responds
Will there be a Messianic redemption according to Judaism, Christianity & Islam? Brought to you by J-Tv
A Lamp in the Darkness
In times such as ours, modesty is truly “a lamp in the darkness";it is infinitely more than what we wear…
Recette Pour Pourim : Oreilles d’Haman particulièrement riches.
Appréciez cette recette qui apparait standard mais au gout riche et délicieux.
Don’t Be Afraid
When her son becomes sick, a mother’s love transcends their estrangement
Opening Tin Cans and Packages on Shabbat
Is it Permissible to open tin cans, boxes and packages on Shabbos, in order to get the food inside them?