Abortion is an Empowering Experience? Just the Opposite

    Abortion is an experience of loss and emptiness, a form of death that occurs in the body of the woman.…

    Marriage – Made In Heaven

    Within Judaism, marriage is considered the ideal state in which human beings may develop their full potential

    Staying On Track

    What do I do to stay on track in this world? Which track do I take?

    Jewish Parents, a Disappearing Breed

    Most Jews will have no next generation to succeed them; this is a quiet demographic holocaust

    Keeping Healthy – Rule A: Ensuring the Quality of Food

    Good quality food will renew and regenerate a healthy body, whereas, poor quality food will produce an inferior body

    Chayei Sarah, All Rapped Up

    What's the significance of the Machpela Caves in Hebron?

    Thrown Into Jail to Save a Soul

    A Hasidic couple thrown into jail inspires warden to convert

    Polishing Diamonds

    With a good eye you will spot the diamonds when everyone else sees dirt

    The weddings

    Keeping track is very important

    Leonard Cohen, a Lover of Judaism and Tradition

    Correspondence between Leonard Cohen and Cantor Gideon Zellermeyer from The Shaar Shamayim Synagogue in Montreal shed some light on the…
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