Do You Believe in G-d?

    Faith is based on knowledge

    A Muslim in the Process of Conversion: “Judaism is the Holiest Religion”

    25 years after his mother and sister were murdered in cold blood in the name of the Koran, Munir Munser…

    Women to know : Lena’s costume gemach

    You want to get their kids what they want, and especially in Adar, Mishenichnas Adar marbin b’simchah

    Unsteady – Pinny Schachter and Naftali Blumenthal

    “Hold on to me because I’m a little Unsteady”. Brought to you by

    Skin Cancer is on the rise

    Why do we keep getting sunburned despite all the sunscreen we are applying?

    Teachings of Rav Menachem Nachum of Chernobyl

    A disciple of both the Ba’al Shem Tov and the Maggid of Mezritch, and the author of “Me’or Einayim.”

    Top Doctors Treating Rabbi Shteinman put on Tefillin for the First Time

    They merited putting on Rabbi Shteinman’s own tefillin

    Watch: This is what’s called Extreme Riding

    Some people are fearless, and are willing to risk their lives just for a little adrenaline. This cyclist is one…

    Is Science Actually Suggesting that God Created the World?

    Despite the important similarities between scientific findings and the Sages’ comments, we accept Torah statements without question, while listening carefully,…
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