Where Does Addictive Thinking Come From?

    Low Self esteem (ususally from emotional abuse) is usually the culprit

    Rabbi Aharon Leib Shteinman Zt “l Lighting The Menorah 11 Years Ago

    Special video of the Holy Sage Rabbi Aharon Leib Shteinman of Blessed Memory lighting the Chanukah candles in 2008, including…

    The Mother / Daughter-in-law Conflict

    One of the most important topics that must be considered, especially during the first years of marriage, is how a…

    The Author of the “Sulam”, Rabbi Yehuda Leib Ashlag

    What is the real name of the holy Jew who was called Baal HaSulam (the author of the “Sulam”), and…

    Chabatzkapella: A Cappella Music Video by Beri Weber

    Watch Beri Weber’s Chabad a cappella music video. What a talent

    I Began to Observe the Sabbath and Found It Takes Care of Me

    Many surfers continue to share their feelings with their fellow Jews ahead of the World Sabbath celebrated in October

    Rare Footage of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Waving the Four Species – Watch

    How did the Lubavitcher Rebbe wave the Four Species? Watch and find out

    Journey of a Melody: Avinu Malkeinu

    Yanir plays this traditional melody in 3 different synagogues around the world, in Sweden, Norway and Finland, on a pipe…

    Candle-Lighting Times: August 24, 2018 – Parshat Ki Tetzei

    Shabbat Times for Major Cities Around the World: August 24, 2018 - Parshat Ki Tetzei

    Geography of the Earth

    The earth and the whole universe is expanding
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