Gaddafi is my Cousin says Elderly Jewish Woman

    “His grandmother was my mother’s sister who was forced to convert to Islam.”

    Why Should I Wear a Kippa?

    It’s a mirror of who you are that amplifies your deeds

    Drugs and Other Quick Fixes

    Drugs can provide instant pleasure. And drugs will dissolve your sense of self until you have no personality left. The…

    G-d’s Kindness: the Operation was a Success and the Siamese Twins Were Separated

    China, April 2015: Siamese twins who were born attached to the hips, were separated successfully by a surgery that utilized…

    Scientists Discover Why We Wake Up Stiff and Achy in the Morning 

    The body's biological clock suppresses anti-inflammatory proteins during sleep and when we get up each morning, the effects of the…

    Watch: An Ordinary Day in the Life of Rabbanit Kanievsky of Blessed Memory

    Early in the morning, before sunrise - Rabbanit Kanievsky a"h would begin her long day with heartfelt prayers in the…

    The Formation of Twins

    Can recent discoveries in this field be considered “new” if knowledge about it has already existed for thousands of years?

    Candle-Lighting Times: August 31, 2018 | Elul 20, 5778 – Parshat Ki Tavo

    Shabbat Times for Major Cities Around the World: August 31, 2018 | Elul 20, 5778 - Parshat Ki Tavo

    Shabat Hagadol

    "Por que vocês estão pegando o cordeiro?" O povo de Israel respondia: " para sacrificá-lo no sacrifício de Pessach conforme…

    Music Video: Joey Newcomb – It’s Never Too Late

    Remember, Failure is a part of growth. "It's never too late to correct your mistake"
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