Fast of Gedaliah Times: September 12, 2018 | 3 Tishrei 5779

    Fast of Gedaliah Times for Major Cities Around the World: September 12, 2018 | 3 Tishrei 5779

    They Fixed His Eye With a Tooth?

    Amazing: A 72 year old blind man was able to see again through a surgery that used one of his…

    Rare Footage: The Western Wall a Century Ago on Tisha B’av

    Tisha B'Av at the Western Wall - Rare footage from the the year 1909. A Jew sits on the ground…

    Marriage – Total Commitment

    A husband and wife are capable of adjusting to each other’s flaws and idiosyncrasies. This is only possible, however, when…

    Yaakov’s Dream, Vayetze All Rapped Up

    Welcome all to the house of Hashem

    Artist Reinvents Art and Animation

    Christoph Neimann is an artist that sees art in everyday things. He cleverly raises these things to the next level.…

    Are Electronic Cigarettes Safe?

    Do electronic cigarettes help people stop smoking regular cigarettes? An international debate is ongoing about the usage of electronic cigarettes

    Mind-Blowing Testimony of Auschwitz Survivor Renee Salt – Watch

    Auschwitz survivor Renee Salt, describes her arrival in Auschwitz, the selection process, separation from her family, liberation and more. Brought…

    Shabbat Observant Athletes Won’t Need to Compromise Their Principles

    Israeli Government grants to sports clubs will depend on their accommodating Shabbat observers


    Crazy and Interesting Facts about Life
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