New Release: Six13 – Bohemian Chanukah

    Is this just fantasy? No, it's our Chanukah tribute to one of the greatest and most epic songs of all…

    8 Facts about the 19th of Kislev

    What’s it all about? Find out in this article

    Seeing the Sounds

    Why did God want us to 'see the sounds' when the Torah was given at Mount Sinai? Why was it…

    Life After Death – Way Beyond Science

    The facts discovered by science regarding 'life after death' appear in numerous places throughout the Torah, which offers additional details…

    Who was Rashi?

    He was one of the greatest interpreters of the Bible throughout the ages, he innovated hundreds of words, and according…

    Days of Reflection

    Reflecting on the loss, reflecting on the gift

    Drinking Tea Can Protect Against Dementia

    A study in China shows this to be true even among those genetically considered high risk for Alzheimer’s

    Near Death Experience in the Talmud

    The Talmud states; for three days after burial, it is still possible for a person to return to life! What…

    “The Rabbi Saved Me from Going on The Titanic!”

    “He told me: Send regards to the American G-d. But I asked, isn’t he the same G-d here?”

    Why the ‘Chosen People’ Concept is not Racism – Rabbi Akiva Tatz

    Isn’t it racist to claim that the Jews are the Chosen People? Rabbi Akiva Tatz responds. Brought to you by…
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