A Triple Crop in the Sixth Year(!) – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    The Torah contains explicit prophecies regarding the Shmita (sabbatical year). It is amazing to see how accurately these prophecies have…

    The Secret of Jewish Femininity: An Interview With Rebbetzin Tehilla Abramov

    It is written that the final redemption will come in the merit of the women,” says Rebbetzin Abramov

    Watch Spinner Dolphins Leap Acrobatically Into the Air

    Spinner dolphins are usually found in off-shore tropical waters around the world. They are famous for their acrobatic displays in…

    Spiritual Remedy for all Sicknesses: Rain that Falls after Passover

    A segulah (spiritual remedy) that relates to rain that falls between the days of Passover and the Omer. "The rains…

    Watch: A Visitor in the Hadar Neighborhood of Haifa

    Who came to visit in Haifa today? Watch the footage and find out

    Abraham: the Epitome of Reaching Out to One’s Fellow Man

    There are many ways to bring one who is distant back to Judaism. We should look to Abraham, who was…

    Ari Goldwag – Ve’ahavta (Meilech Kohn) – A Cappella

    Ari Goldwag and friends with a fun and entertaining story to accompany Meilech Kohn's mega-hit song Ve'ahavta - The A…

    People With ADHD Are Particularly Suited for Business Entrepreneurship

    A new British study found that the challenging symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are beneficial in the business…

    Why We Shouldn’t Celebrate ‘Marriage Equality’

    The decision of the US Supreme Court that same-sex couples are entitled to marry is no cause for celebration

    Character, Fate, and Free Choice

    The Talmudic Sages addressed the question of fate and free will with a simple sentence: “Everything is in the hands…
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