Teachings of Rav Meir of Premishlan

    A disciple of Rav Yechiel Michel, the Zlotchover Maggid.

    Vayeishev ‘All Rapped up’ The Consequences of Gossip

    The dispute of Joseph and his brother in rap

    Watch: Pilot Tries Drinking Water while Flying Upside-Down

    A fighter jet pilot puts gravity to the test and attempts drinking a cup of water while flying upside down.…

    The Unbroken Chain of Torah Transmission

    Is there an unbroken chain of leaders, who passed the Torah down from generation to generation, from Mt. Sinai until…

    A Mission from the Heavenly Court

    Alon Anava never imagined in his wildest dreams that he would be called to the Heavenly court and would undergo…

    The Yom Kippur War: Celebrating Sukkot Under Fire

    Rare video footage from the archive of the IDF: Distribution of wine and the Four Species for the holiday of…

    “I Merited Visiting the Western Wall, I Feel Blessed”

    Says Ivanka Trump during interview with ‘Fox & Friends’

    The Power of a Tzaddik’s Prayer

    An orphan is influenced by Rav Ahrele of Karlin's heartfelt prayer

    Never Underestimate Yourself

    G-d believes in you, do you believe in yourself?

    From where will I Have the Strength to Keep on Giving In?

    When you know how important peace is you’ll find the strength to cope
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