Mommy Thank You for “Drugging” Me!

    Jessica McCabe’s letter of gratitude to her mother for giving her Ritalin for her ADHD and thereby giving her a…

    Can I Have More Pain? Bring it On!

    Sometimes you can find the greatest happiness in the most unlikely places

    The Secret To A Happy Marriage

    One of the most painful topics to many people in our generation is the topic of marital discord. In Israel,…

    Anxiety and Depression? Been There and Done That!

    There is life afterwards, let it come

    Watch: How Wine Barrels are Manufactured

    Are you curious to know how a barrel of wine is made? Get a rare glimpse of how it is…

    Can A Merchant Who Cheated His Customers Repent?

    What is ‘theft from the public’ and how do you repent on this sin? 10 facts to know

    Free Will – The Real You

    What are the components of human free will and what are its limits? Free will applies only in the area…

    Brave New World: The New Genetics – Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz

    Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz discusses Jewish genetics, premarital genetic screening, DNA identification methods and more

    Join the Global Online Prayer to Combat the Coronavirus Pandemic

    Jews worldwide will join together TODAY for an online prayer to combat the Coronavirus Pandemic. The prayer will begin at…

    The Infinite Creator Concealed in the Composition of the Universe and Man

    Lofty Kabbalistic concepts are hidden in nature and in the unified field theory
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