Watch: Historic Palace Discovered in Mosul

    The Assyrian King's palace was discovered during excavations conducted by Isis under the tomb of Jonah the Prophet in Mosul.…

    Time Out – Contemplate the Wonders of Creation

    Take a break from your busy schedule to contemplate and appreciate G-d's Wonders of Creation

    The Law of Conservation of Mass and Energy – in Ecclesiastes

    Although Scientists have come to this Conclusion only Recently (250 years); The Torah Tells us about it Thousands of Years…

    Watch: Israeli Professor Reveals a Breakthrough Discovery

    Together with his team of colleagues, an Israeli professor of natural sciences, Chaim Rabinovich, managed to light a small bulb…

    Pinchas – Women of Virtue – Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi

    In this week’s parshah we find wonderful role models of women who embodied the concept of emunah

    Am I an Illusion? What Makes Me Real?

    Understanding our insignificance in the universe leads to humility and accepting that G-d leads our daily lives.

    Lot’s Wife – Concerned or Simply Curious?

    After looking back at the destruction of Sedom, Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt. As always, a deeper…

    Judaism vs. Western Civilization

    Why are religious Jews perceived as rigid? What's the difference between religion and Judaism?

    The Joy of Pain

    If G-d loves us, why does he inflict suffering upon us? In this short video clip, Rabbi Meyer Yedid discusses…

    Are There Or Aren’t There Mermaids?

    What is the Jewish view about mermaids?
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