Sacrifier son travail pour le Shabbat ?

    Est-ce qu’un homme doit sacrifier son travail et perdre sa subsistance quand il l'oblige à violer le sabbat ?

    Teachings of Rav Chaim Tyrer of Czernowitz

    A disciple of Rav Yechiel Michel, the Maggid of Zlotchov , and the author of “Be’er Mayim Chaim” and “Sidduro…

    Passover Recipes: Delicious Kneidlach for Your Soup This Passover

    Kneidlach are matzo balls for your Passover chicken soup.

    The 9th Thing Messianic Jews for Jesus Don’t Want You to Know

    The Torah commands Jews to listen to our sages and our sages rejected Jesus

    Hanging On by a Thread – Re’eh

    Only prayer and faith saved my daughter’s life

    Women to know : How Rebbetzin Lori Palatnik is bringing thousands of Jews back to Judaism

    If you can inspire the mother, then you’ve inspired the whole family

    How to Actually Enjoy Shabbat – Watch

    Have you ever felt bored or lonely on Shabbat? Learn how to connect and feel the beauty of the gift…

    You Have a 1 Inch Tumor On Your Bladder

    Ephraim heard the news and was devastated

    What the Ethiopians Suffered to Get to Israel

    Over 4,000 died on their journey to Israel and never realized their dream

    Selichot at the Kotel

    Watch and get inspired as thousands recite the Selichot at the Western Wall
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