Wonders of Creation: The Bargibanti Pygmy Seahorse

    Take a peek at the incredible lives of Bargibanti Pygmy Seahorses - the tiniest of all existing varieties. Since the…

    Le chanteur Yichai Ben Tsvi découvre ses vrais racines

    Yichai Ben Tsvi: le jour de ma Bar Mitsva mes parents m'ont pris sur le côté et m'ont dévoilé: "tes…

    Wonders of Creation: Drone Footage of Stingrays Swimming off Australian Coast

    See a stunning view of a school of stingrays swimming off the coast of Bondi Beach,Australia

    What Can I Become? Rabbi Avraham Edelstein

    A wise man once said: “When you go up to heaven you will not be asked why you were not…

    Unity Concert in Pittsburgh – Avraham Fried, Lipa Schmeltzer & Shulem Lemmer

    Over 1500 men, women and children from all walks of life gathered in Pittsburgh for a unity concert on Sunday…

    Shulem: Piano Man – Must Watch

    Shulem performs a beautiful rendition of Piano Man, live on tour at the Manhattan JCC. Accompanied by leading Broadway musical…

    Mordechai Shapiro: Friends – Official Music Video

    “I’ve Got my friends” - Composed by Mordechai Shapiro & Yitzy Waldner, Produced by Mordechai Shapiro, Yehuda Fein & Meir…

    God is Black

    The very highest aspect of the unifying Creator of all universes is ultimately a quiet blackness

    Gallery: Best Pictures of Nature from International Competition

    Thousands of candidates submitted their best images of nature to an international photography competition. A curious fox in the city,…

    Avraham – Reacting to Success and Failure

    Avraham reacted to success without letting it affect his humility or hinder his service of HaShem, yet how did Avraham…
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