The Short End of The Deal
High class and thriftiness
Did Our Ancestors Swing from the Treetops?
Why Not Believe in Evolution?
An Unexpected Visit from the Police
If I was so afraid of the police, how will I feel before G-d?
Mika and Ali: From Poverty to Romance to Nightmare, Part 3
The nightmare continues
Matt Dubb – Father Where Can I Find You?
Aifo? Feat. Matt Dubb, Beri Weber & Haim Israel
The Importance of Honesty & Acceptance in Raising Children
Without this, parenting is a non starter
Where Does Addictive Thinking Come From?
Low Self esteem (ususally from emotional abuse) is usually the culprit
Honoring Your Fellow Man
Basic respect is a fundamental human need. As the highest form of creation, the human being feels dejected when embarrassed,…
Dating – The Hand of Hashem
One should never be demoralized, discouraged or disheartened in the process of seeking a shidduch. The outcome is directed by…
The Secret To A Happy Marriage
One of the most painful topics to many people in our generation is the topic of marital discord. In Israel,…