Lipa on Fire! — Lipa Schmeltzer, The Freilach Band & The Shira Choir
Watch pumping medley. Re-energize your batteries
Does the Torah Deal with Environmental Issues?
How is protecting our world derived from our interpersonal commandments?
How do Giraffes find a Comfortable Sleeping Position?
In this unique gallery you’ll see how giraffes manage to relax their long necks and find a satisfying sleeping position
Can you Change your Personality Traits?
Can a person change the personality traits he was born with? Rabbi Zamir Cohen explains how you can channel your…
Parshas Terumah: Standing and Growing
What is the message of the trees used for the Mishkan?
I Wish I Were Religious
A new young mother writes of the benefits she would have if she were religious.
Watch: Unique Fishing Technique
See this fisherman’s creative method for capturing huge fish. Gone viral
I Would Have Sent my Kids to Catholic School
By accident I found the Hidabroot website and that changed everything
What is the Biggest Mitzvah, What is the Biggest Sin?
10 quotes to remember from the letter Rabbi Elijah of Vilna, the ‘Vilna Gaon’ sent his wife
Watch: New Use for the Robotic Vacuum Cleaner
Great idea for those of you who rely on the robotic vacuum cleaner to clean the floor