Teachings of Rav Levi Yitzchak Derbarmdigger, the Berditchever Rav

    Also known as the “Sanigoran shel Yisrael” (Defender of Israel), a disciple of Rav Shmelke of Nikolsberg and the Maggid…

    Think Good & It Will Be Good

    You can create your reality by thinking about the things that have meaning in your life

    The Water Above the Heavens

    Today, we know that all the water on Earth is just a single drop in the ocean, when compared with…

    Who Needs the Satan? Why Did G-d Make Him? (Part 3)

    After he gets someone to sin he prosecutes him

    Watch: Did You Know a Lemon could Save Lives?

    If you are stuck on a trip at night and there is no one to rescue you, you may need…

    Zalman Pollack: Havdalah – Music Video

    You just finished extinguishing your Havdala candles, bringing an end to the light of Shabbat. Hold onto it for just…

    Immortality and Science

    The soul, electrons, biological transformation and regeneration, and more!

    What the Ethiopians Suffered to Get to Israel

    Over 4,000 died on their journey to Israel and never realized their dream

    Why is the Messiah so Important to Jews?

    Rabbi Tovia Singer explains why Jews yearn for the coming of the messiah. Must see

    Informations – Israël

    Vous avez du mal à vous endormir  la nuit ? Vous ne croirez jamais quelle en est la cause !
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