10 Facts About the City of Hebron

    During the Biblical era, Hebron was one of the largest cities in Israel, and the capital of the kingdom of…

    The Positive and Negative Aspects of the Colors

    Every color represents a good and effective root, provided that the person does not use it in a negative way

    Rivers Can’t Wash the Love Away

    We should aspire to have a passionate love for G-d, that’s what divine service is all about

    How to Remain Objective When Dating

    Natural attraction can cloud judgement making it harder to let go of someone incompatible

    Ari Goldwag – Ve’ahavta (Meilech Kohn) – A Cappella

    Ari Goldwag and friends with a fun and entertaining story to accompany Meilech Kohn's mega-hit song Ve'ahavta - The A…

    Freilach Instrumentals: Flight of the Bumblebee – Ft. Maestro Mona Rosenblum

    Enjoy this masterpiece by The Freilach Band. Music by Freilach Band/Avrumi Schreiber. Conducted by Mona Rosenblum

    New study: Excessive Use of Social Media Causes Loneliness

    Can social media help people dispel their loneliness? A new study shows that not only is social media not the…

    Keil Udoin – A Capella Style: By the Zimra Choir & Yosef Weberman

    This beautiful melodic song "Keil Udoin" composed many years ago by the legendary world renowned Jewish composer Yossi Green. Now…

    Watch: Original Sweater Goes Viral

    A unique sweater with a menorah and flashing lights. Is it real? It is not clear how this is possible,…

    Supermom! Lydia Mesilati was a Foster Mother for 20 Children

    These 26 are mine! True 6 were born to me but my foster children were mine in every way
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