Willpower – Examined Through the Torah’s Perspective
What does Judaism say about the theory called “The Secret” that is trending around the world? Rabbi Zamir Cohen reveals…
Gad Elbaz & Avi Benjamin: Ochi Chernye – Music Video
Composed by Gad Elbaz & Cecelia Margules
How does Judaism view Christianity & Islam? Rabbi Akiva Tatz Responds
Will there be a Messianic redemption according to Judaism, Christianity & Islam? Brought to you by J-Tv
Gallery: Close-ups of Various Creatures in Nature
Do you love to look at nature, and admire all its minuscule details? This gallery will help you appreciate more…
Life after life – 2: Dybbuk – The Spirit of a Dead Person Entering the Body
Rabbi Shalom concluded by quoting Rabbi Eliyahu: "We can learn from this story the awful power of desire [for evil].…
How Can I Deal With My Narcissistic Spouse?
I've tried alot of things but nothing seems to help!
Change of Perception – Rabbi Yitzchak Fanger
Since one cannot change reality, one must learn to change one's attitude towards whatever challenges life presents.
“When I Got Cancer I Learned to See Each Day of My Life As a Gift”
Libi Goldstein in her second pregnancy discovered she had cancer. In a moving account she explains the growth process her…
The Rachamim Rabim Melody – ‘Great Mercy’
A deep Chassidic melody that softly plucks on the gentle strings of the soul. Composer and pianist Achiya Asher Cohen…
Women to know: Liora Tedgi has made kindness her life’s work
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