How Do You Find the True Religion?

    There are a lot of confusing choices out there... which one is the right one?

    10 Reasons Why We Should Study Mishnayot by Heart

    What benefits can you gain by memorizing mishnayot orally? Also: Distinctive advice from the Holy Chafetz Chaim

    I See Fire by Pinny Schachter – Music Video

    This song transforms I see fire into a story about how Jews overcame the fire of the holocaust to be…

    Teachings of Rav Meshulem Zissel of Anipoli

    Also known as “the Rebbe Reb Zisha,” a disciple of the Mezritcher Maggid and the older brother of Rav Elimelech…

    The Chazon Ish Explains Why He Received Petitioners

    “I was in midst of a heart attack but so many people with their packages of problems were waiting!”

    About Hidabroot Organization

    Hidabroot: The World’s Largest Jewish Network

    Elul – The Effects We Have on Others

    This is the season for change, for reinforcing the positive and taking steps to divest ourselves of the negative

    Touch – The Superglue of Human Relations

    Touch could be called the Superglue of human relations. Take two clean surfaces, and Superglue will immediately stick them together.…

    It’s All From Above

    True faith in G-d requires one to firmly believe that everything that happens is Straight from Above
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