Chayei Sarah – Living a Double Life

    How is it that Sarah Imeinu led a double life? Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi explains how every woman has the capacity…

    Southern Fried Corn Chex Chicken Schnitzel Sandwiches

    In my house, anything on a burger bun gets a standing ovation. If the bun is combined with our favorite…

    Amazing End to Story of Apostate Who Spoke With The Lubavitcher Rebbe

    One of the most famous clips from the dollar distribution of the Lubavitcher Rebbe showed an apostate Jew trying to…

    Out of the mouths of babes

    Sometimes it takes a child to see the truth

    What is Judaism? When did Judaism begin?

    What is Judaism? What do Jews believe? When did Judaism begin? Rabbi Berel Wein explains the core beliefs and frameworks…

    Wonders of Creation: Really Cute Baby Chameleons

    Have you ever wondered what chameleons look like when they're just born? Must see

    No Working on Shabbat – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    One of the most common questions we hear today is, “why can’t I light a fire on Shabbat? After all,…

    Watch: Unique Fishing Technique

    See this fisherman’s creative method for capturing huge fish. Gone viral

    Must See – The Future of The Jewish Family – Panel with Rabbi Menachem Levine

    Why is intermarriage forbidden? What is the Torah approach to intermarriage? “People who are products of intermarriage, have less connection…

    Watch: Creative Pastry Recipes

    Try out these original pastry recipes. Great ideas for the upcoming Festivals
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