Jewish Unity: Are We Still One People? – Rabbi YY Jacobson
How you are making a difference for Jewish Unity today?
Abortion: Jewish Legal and Scientific Considerations
Why abortion is called "bereavement" by Jewish law, and what the holy Zohar says about that * What medical, physical…
Cleaning for Passover: Ingenious Trick Shines Metal Surfaces with Minimal Effort
Whether you started cleaning for Passover or whether you're in the mood of cleaning up; this tip will help you…
Do Not Look At The Spider – Look What It Can Do
Spiders: Why are we so afraid of them, and why should we not be afraid? Amazing reasons that will help…
Rabbinate to “Jews for J” Couple: When You Leave J We’ll Marry You Off
The “Law of Moses and Israel” doesn’t include Jesus
What’s So Special About the Holy Tongue (Biblical Hebrew)
In ancient times before the Tower of Babel everyone spoke one language, Ancient Hebrew. This is also the Language with…
Watch: Yonatan Razel Performes by “Shir Lama’alot”
Your browser doesn’t support video. Please download the file: video/mp4 Ce logo est en cours de création par la Commission…
Who Am I? Do I know Myself?
Do I know what G-d has in mind for me and why He does what He does?
Why did G-d Choose to Create the World as He Did?
Since creation happened in stages, the whole world is connected in a chained-down form with higher realities connected to lower…
“Why Don’t I Feel Fulfilled in Life?”
A person in pain should see if he or she is if he’s in a good place and investing his…