Staying On Track

    What do I do to stay on track in this world? Which track do I take?

    Hidabrut Exclusive; Sneak Movie Preview of “Rabbi Nachman’s Stories”

    Watch “Hindyk”, a story from the movie and the director Tzvi Fishman’s message to us.

    A Not So Simple Man

    Visiting the rebbe, the Chozeh of Lublin

    If You Can’t Beat Them

    What's more harrowing for parents than traveling with their children? Jet-lagged kids!

    “Train the youth according to his way”

    The goal of education is not to change the child’s nature, rather the role of education is to take any…

    Gallery: “The Magic of the Ocean”

    For the past decade, the University of Marine Sciences in Miami has conducted a unique competition, seeking magical images of…

    Wonders of Creation: Flowers Blossoming in Fast Motion

    Enjoy the beauty of nature; don’t forget to thank G-d. “There is no artist like our G-d” (Rashi: Shmuel I…

    Sefardi Party – Avi Peretz & The Freilach Band

    Feel the Magic as Avi and The Freilach Band perform some of the most popular Israeli and Sefardi songs

    G-d Can Deliver!

    Not only does he love you and want you to talk to him, he can deliver!
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