Cleaning for Passover: Ingenious Trick Shines Metal Surfaces with Minimal Effort

    Whether you started cleaning for Passover or whether you're in the mood of cleaning up; this tip will help you…

    Chosen Nation: G-d Gave the Torah Only To Us; Isn’t That Discrimination? Part 4

    G-d gives all of creation according to its needs and their nature

    I Forgot my Daughter in the Car, She Survived by a Miracle

    A remorseful father warns us to watch over our children. In the hot summer a child can die in a…

    Maccabeats: Mi Bon Siach – Acappella

    The Maccabeats take on Mi Bon Siach, the prayer which is recited as the bride enters the chuppah (Jewish wedding…

    “Don’t Worry,” They Comforted Me, “It Doesn’t Matter How Many Sins You Did, There Is Always Repentance!”

    “Don’t be discouraged,” they told me. “There’s a concept called teshuvah (repentance). Teshuvah was created when the world was created;…

    A Group of 15 Year Old Girls Sew Blankets for Preemies in Neo-Natal Ward

    They lovingly thought of others battling for their babies’ lives instead of shooting ‘selfies’ all day

    Packing up and moving on

    How do you say goodbye to the repository of all your memories?

    Marital Harmony: How Much Must I Sacrifice for the Sake of Peace?

    If a husband works to overcome the urge to argue, and invests energy in appeasing his wife until there is…

    The Dance

    What we wouldn’t do for our children

    What is the True Definition of Freedom? Rabbi Michel Twerski

    Rabbi Michel Twerski explains the Torah view of freedom. Brought to you by 'Drops Of Light Project'
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