Lech Lecha: Abraham’s Trials ‘All Rapped Up’
Rabbi Kantor summarizes the beginning of parshat Lech Lecha in rap style
Ariel Zilber – ‘Hu Elokeinu’
Ariel Zilber warms up for the 2018 'Tzomah' concert
Even If We Don’t Understand
We have a relationship with G-d and a relationship means trust
Iranians Ask Jewish Girl to Pray for Rain – Watch
Even the Iranians know who to turn to when in trouble. They are in desperate need for rain, so they…
See more Wonders of Creation – A Bird Changing Color
The Anna's Hummingbird has the unique ability to change color. These hummingbirds can shake their bodies 55 times per second…
Rescued from Abusive Relationships with Arabs
Learn and Return says, “We can save these girls. Everyone has an obligation to try and do something to save…
Life Insurance and Loshon Hora
Staying away from lashon hara is the greatest life insurance policy and it costs no money
Hearing Loss may be Reversible
Another miracle from the world of medicine
Doctors Cure 6-Year-Old girl Paralyzed a Year
Complicated lifesaving back surgery succeeded in returning the use of her hands and legs.
Mom, You’re the Best!”
A sign on the door of a pediatrician in Spain goes viral for a good reason