Speaking Gossip to Close Relatives
Is it permissible to speak negatively about others to one's spouse, in order to get the issue off one's chest?
Hearing Loss may be Reversible
Another miracle from the world of medicine
A Masterclass in True Happiness
We all have the tools to reach true happiness
Jungle Book Really Happened
Not with Mowgli but with an unnamed girl
Jewish History: Kabbalah and Mysticism
What is kabbalah? When was kabbalah exposed to the world? Rabbi Berel Wein elaborates
Terach – Why Don’t We Call Him ’Father’?
We do not relate to Terach as Avinu (our father), even though genetically he clearly is our ancestor, why do…
Teachings of Rav Asher of Stolin
The son of Rav Aharon of Karlin.
A Very Unlikely Messenger, in a Very Unlikely Place
The Torah predicts that there will be a mass return of Jews to Judaism, and many of them will find…
The Jewish View of Happiness
What is the path that leads to happiness in a world of ordeals? Are we meant to strive for happiness?…
Watch: Cobra Drinks Water from a Bottle
Awesome footage straight from India, gone viral on social network: See how these kind people reacted when they were approached…