Teachings of Rav Menachem Nachum of Chernobyl

    A disciple of both the Ba’al Shem Tov and the Maggid of Mezritch, and the author of “Me’or Einayim.”

    Watch: Giant Hailstones in Buenos Aires

    People share footage of huge hailstones in Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Huge Dust Storm Hits Central Arizona

    Watch how the dust sweeps over the land. It’s the second big monsoon storm of the season and the first…

    Wonders of Creation: Drone Footage of Stingrays Swimming off Australian Coast

    See a stunning view of a school of stingrays swimming off the coast of Bondi Beach,Australia

    Bishop Gordon: Judaism Will Bring Light to Africa

    Bishop Samuel Gordon told Rabbi Shalom Arush “Your book The Garden of Wisdom changed my life!”

    Parshat Shekalim It’s Reasons and Laws

    When do we read Parshat Shekalim? What is the mitzvah of giving a half shekel? What was the purpose of…

    ‘May Each Man Sit in Safety Under his Fig Tree and Under His Grapevine’

    This was President George Washington’s blessing to the Jewish community in Newport Rhode, Island 1790

    A Record of 3,500 Worshipers Entered Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus – Watch

    Once a month, worshipers are allowed to enter Joseph's Tomb, inside Nablus (Shchem), with the protection of the IDF soldiers

    At Least

    Saying Thank You Isn't Always as Simple as It Seems, Especially When Regarding G-D .Hakarat Hatov-Gratitude to G-D, What Does…

    Watch: How Did the Elephant Escape the Current?

    The poor elephant stranded in the rushing current, slipped while trying to climb out. How did the drama end? Watch…
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