The Coin of Eliyahu Hanavi (Elijah the Prophet)
Disguising himself as a stranger, Eliyahu descended into the world and handed the man a shekel
How Come Jews Practice Shechita? (Jewish ritual slaughter)
Not only do kosher animals not suffer during ritual slaughter, they do not even experience emotional discomfort before the act,…
Does G-d Care What Toilet Paper I Use on Shabbat?
How do these details make a difference?
10 Facts About the Sin of the Golden Calf
The Children of Israel, who thought that Moshe died, turned to Aaron and asked him to make another god for…
Meteorites as the Source of Water on Planet Earth
Does it Rain from Outer Space!? And What does the Torah have to Say About it?
Building Collapses and Buries 70, Years after Injustice Done to its Owner. Watch
The owner of the building was a Jew named Alkanian. He donated large sums of money to synagogues as well…
Utzu Eitzah by Ariel Zilber – From Tzama Project 5
Aperçu de la confidentialité Ce site utilise des cookies pour améliorer votre expérience de navigation sur le site. Aperçu de…
New Research Says: “Talk to Your Fetus”
It will help him develop his language skills early on in life
Tonight @ 21:00 EST – Live Broadcast in Honor of the ’Hilula’ of the Baba Sali
The stories that were never told: On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the passing of the holy Rabbi…
Research Proves the Immortality of the Soul
In the past few decades, scientific research has also proven to disbelievers that man’s “I” is his spiritual essence —…