Simcha Leiner: Stand Up For Each Other – Official Music Video
Simcha Leiner is proud to present “Life’s better when your with your brother” a song celebrating the power that each…
Watch: Octopus Escapes back into the Sea
This octopus boarded a fishing boat looking for food. What did he do when he found a small, narrow opening…
Résumé du cours hebdomadaire du Rav Yitshak Yossef Chlita !
Cette semaine, retrouvez la suite des lois du Shabat !
Watch: Japan’s Bullet Train – Max Speed 603 KPH
The fastest train in the world – It passes by in the blink of an eye. Gone Viral
Why are Jews So Obsessed with Details?
Isn't it overdoing it a bit?
Lecha Dodi: A Capella Style by Six13
Welcome the Shabbat with Lecha Dodi. No instruments used, only human voice. Sensational
Genetics and our sages – Rabbi Zamir Cohen
Did You Know, That recently discovered Laws of Genetics were Known and Practiced Thousands of Years ago by our Sages?
Watch: Who’s in the Egg? You will be Surprised
See an egg hatching before your eyes
Q & A: Is it Permissible to Celebrate Thanksgiving?
Is celebrating Thanksgiving considered to be avoda zara (idol worship), or chukat hagoyim?
The Effect of Music on the Brain and Mind
Music can bring a person to feel such exaltation and inner joy that he spontaneously breaks out in dance. Kabbalists…