The Inherent Difference Between Husband and Wife

    A husband cannot simply use his own feelings and emotions as a way to understand his wife's feelings and emotions

    The Influence of Man’s Actions in the World

    Man's actions in the physical world set the mechanisms of the upper worlds in motion, generating blessing, success and the…

    Judaism and Science – Conflict or Harmony?

    The Torah is not a book of nature. But it is a book of what happens behind nature. Behind the…

    Torah and science – Astronomy: the moon’s renewal

    In this section we demonstrate how the latest knowledge of astronomy coincides perfectly with that which our Rabbis taught over…

    British Medical Research: There is Life After Death

    An examination of more than 2,000 patients who underwent cardiac arrest shows that the consciousness retains its awareness, even during…

    25 Years: an Inspiring Interview with a Woman Whose Infertility Came to an End

    To wait for a child for 25 years, to undergo treatments and see your friends marry off their children, doesn’t…

    How to Generate True Love in your Marriage

    What is the true meaning of love? Rabbi Zamir Cohen provides practical guidelines for generating true love in your marriage

    He lived alone

    A father’s tragic choice

    Watch: Best ‘Hava Nagila’ Performance Ever

    This version of the legendary Jewish song ‘Hava Nagilah’ will surely get you dancing. Enjoy

    Speaking Gossip to Close Relatives

    Is it permissible to speak negatively about others to one's spouse, in order to get the issue off one's chest?
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