“G-d Saved me From Death so Why Did He Throw Me in Jail?”

    Police Investigators found evidence that four innocent men were killed and they caught the perpetrator… or so they thought

    Watch: The Future is Here: The New Flying Car

    Get to know the new flying car that will probably market from 2019. Is this going to be the ultimate…

    “Miracles Happen Every Day, I’m One of Them!”

    Susan Lindley shares the details of the miracles she experiences in her fight against colon cancer since 1998

    A Brilliant Life Saving Invention

    People drown in boat and swimming accidents waiting for help to reach them. This invention can speed things up and…

    Unlocking the Secret Code of the Talmud – Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein

    What is the significance of the Talmud in Judaism? What is the function of the Talmud? What is the intent…

    The Effect of Colors on the Human Psyche – Rabbi Zamir Cohen

    What color are you particularly drawn to? What does that imply about you? Why is green the color of the…

    I Came From a Dysfunctional Family, Is there Hope for Me?

    I feel my past is impacting the way I treat my wife and kids. What do I do?

    How Can We Change the World?

    In these 3 weeks of mourning lie the tools to do it

    How Can I Forgive My Abusive Parents?

    I want to get on with my life

    Esav – No Room for Growth

    Perhaps Esav’s most famous spiritual descendants were the Romans, who dominated most of the known world for centuries. They emulated…
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