Rogers Park’s New Release – Blessings

    "Give blessings to one another... Give strength to one another". Official Music Video by Rogers Park Band

    We’re in Exile, What can We Do about It?

    Realize we’re in darkness far from G-d and look for the light of His closeness

    Everything’s Coming Apart! What Do I Do Now?

    Just know everyone has problems even the ones who seem to ‘have it made’

    “A Taxi Driver Returned My Jewelry”

    It was worth tens of thousands of shekels

    Operation Protective Edge: Another Miracle

    The bulldozer was burned, but the Tefillin and the soldier remained intact

    They Fixed His Eye With a Tooth?

    Amazing: A 72 year old blind man was able to see again through a surgery that used one of his…

    Former Miss Israel Decided She Won’t Wear Immodest Clothing

    This past year she came closer to G-d and made an amazing resolution in Uman

    Vayeira – Holy Laughter

    Laughter is a serious matter and we have to know how to use it correctly

    Sugar Also Causes Mental Illness

    And you thought it only made you fat

    Sukkot – The Story of Our Faith

    What's the difference between the Sukkah walls and the Sukkah roof?
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