The Arab Took Out a Knife And I Was Staring Death In The Eye

    Amazing miracles are occurring to Am Yisrael in these trying times, whether we hear about them or not: A moving…

    Happiness in Your Heart

    How can you truly feel the happiness and joy of others? Being filled with Hashem’s blessings is the best recipe…

    No Longer Wrapped in Silence: Mom, I Now Can Hear You!

    Sweet Ayalah was a year and her baby brother Benjamin both underwent a cochlear implant to allow them to hear.…

    Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser: Teshuva- The Power to Change

    Come to the Hidabroot Weekend Convention and go home ready to make the changes you always wanted to

    Lion Chases Giraffe – See the Surprising End

    A hungry lion pursues a giraffe, but then the unexpected happens, a new player comes into the picture. See the…

    My Very First Prayer Book

    The moment in which I received my first Siddur, was special and exciting. Now that my son is about to…

    Watch: Creative and Refreshing Watermelon Ideas

    Want to be a gracious host? Here are three great tips that will satisfy your guests

    Watch: Extreme Natural Phenomena from Around the Globe in 2017

    A sequence of videos that displays frightening natural phenomena that have taken place around the world this year

    The Coin of Eliyahu Hanavi (Elijah the Prophet)

    Disguising himself as a stranger, Eliyahu descended into the world and handed the man a shekel

    Watch: White Giraffes Discovered in Kenya

    A pair of rare white giraffes has been spotted in Kenya. The rare animals were discovered by villagers near the…
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