O mérito de manter o Shabat

    No Clintch de uma grande venda de imóveis, um homem de negócios judeu é confrontado com um dilema; Shabat ou…

    Y-Studs: VeUhavtu & Baruch Hashem – Acapella Style

    Another vocal masterpiece from Y-Studs. Enjoy

    What Does Science Think About G-d?

    Is science advancing towards the discovery of G-d? And what did the greatest scientists state about a Diety? Simple logic…

    The Day from Which the Fetus is considered a Person

    Scientists Discover: “We do not know much about the development of the brain of the fetus… until about the fortieth…

    Yaakov Shwekey: ’Your Time’ – Music Video

    "THIS IS YOUR TIME, So go and grab the moment, face the world and show it". Enjoy another classic from…

    Closing a Circle; Doctor Treats Man Who Saved Him from Abortion

    Dr. Carasso from the Rambam Hospital is grateful to his patient to whom he owes his existence

    Watch: Newborn Baby Monkey in its Mother’s Arms

    This little monkey just entered the world at the Brookfield zoo. Watch a video that will warm your heart

    Couple : demandez au Rav.

    Nous pensons au mariage mais les parents s'opposent.

    Inner focus outward effect

    The words of queen esther have never been more relevant

    Avraham Fried & Yochi Briskman Orchestra – Nostalgia

    Enjoy a collection of Avraham Fried classics
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