Watch: Pilot Tries Drinking Water while Flying Upside-Down

    A fighter jet pilot puts gravity to the test and attempts drinking a cup of water while flying upside down.…

    How to Open a Pomegranate the Easy Way

    Are you getting your pomegranates ready for Rosh Hashanah? Learn how to open pomegranates fast and easy without making a…

    Shidduch Saga

    An unlikely shadchan

    Simcha Leiner: Stand Up For Each Other – Official Music Video

    Simcha Leiner is proud to present “Life’s better when your with your brother” a song celebrating the power that each…

    Can We Produce Artificial Blood? Boston Researchers Say We Can

    Scientists at the University of Bristol in Boston say they will soon be able to produce artificial blood that can…

    Orthodox Jewish Population Rising in U.S.

    Pew Center report says percentage of Orthodox Jews is climbing rapidly.

    Proof Of Prophecy: Will Christianity and Islam come to fight against Israel?

    How will other religions and nations react to Israel's changed status at the End of Days? The prophets Ovadia and…

    10 Foods You Can Eat Freely (Almost)

    They’re all rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, and low in calories

    Mesiras Nefesh for the Common Man

    We are fortunate to have contemporary as well as ancient heroes to inspire us

    Basic Tips for Eating Healthy

    Do you find it difficult to change old eating habits? Here are a few simple tips that will help you…
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