Honoring Your Fellow Man
Basic respect is a fundamental human need. As the highest form of creation, the human being feels dejected when embarrassed,…
Hoshana Rabbah, a Stairway to Heaven
Rabbi Sinclair explains how Hoshana Rabbah provides the opportunity for us to go beyond ourselves
Willpower – Examined Through the Torah’s Perspective
What does Judaism say about the theory called “The Secret” that is trending around the world? Rabbi Zamir Cohen reveals…
The First Immersion in the Mikvah — at Age 60
Oranit not only immersed herself but was joined by her sister and sister-in-law. “We’re kibbutzniks, as anti-religious as you can…
Drinking Tea Can Protect Against Dementia
A study in China shows this to be true even among those genetically considered high risk for Alzheimer’s
Gallery: Close-ups of Various Creatures in Nature
Do you love to look at nature, and admire all its minuscule details? This gallery will help you appreciate more…
Avraham – The Ultimate Innovator
Avraham was a revolutionary, a pioneer, he was the originator and founder of the Jewish people. He had no father…
Activités Hidabrout.
Hidabrout c'est quoi au juste ? Quelles sont nos activités ? En quoi suis-je concerné/e ?
Proof of The Oral Tradition
A Jew who is faithful to the Jewish people, the eternal people, is inevitably connected to the Oral Tradition -…
Has The Nazi Treasure Train Been Found?
Polish sources report that they may soon succeed in recovering the Nazi treasure train which disappeared at the end of…