Yismechu: Martin Widerker Hosts Cantor Yakov Motzen

    The arrangement of "Yismechu V'malchut'cha" was written by pianist Menachem Bristowski, joined by the keyboardist Dvir Cohen and his band,…

    The Story of Sharon Nachshoni – A Clinical Death

    Countless numbers of people who have heard the story find that it ignites in them a spark about the meaning…

    Happy Mother of (20) Children

    She gave birth to her 20th yesterday breaking records in Israel

    United for the Jews of France

    The eminent delegation of the Satmar Rebbe, Rav Malkiel Kotler and Rav Reuven Feinstein started a movement for French Jews…

    Is a Cure for Alzheimer’s Here?

    Researchers in Oxford University think so

    The Transformative Light of Shabbat

    Shabbat is that light and people are transformed and elevated from it. You too can be elevated by its light!

    The Temple Institute Confirms the Red Heifer Born Last Month is Pure

    At the end of the last month, a Red Heifer was born in Israel. Why is it such wonderful news?…

    Eitan Freilich: Am Yisrael Chai – Official Music Video

    The Jewish People are one entity. It is crucial that we build unity among Jews by engaging in acts of…

    Magnetic Gates on the Temple Mount, Muslims Attack Istanbul Synagogue

    Muslims threw rocks at an Istanbul synagogue to protest the Temple Mount magnetic gates

    Bishop Gordon: Judaism Will Bring Light to Africa

    Bishop Samuel Gordon told Rabbi Shalom Arush “Your book The Garden of Wisdom changed my life!”
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