Eitan Katz: Nigun – Official Music Video
This Nigun was originally called the "Shaleshidis Nigun" as it was composed by, yes you guessed, Shaleshidis a few years…
When Does the Fetus Receive Its Soul?
It is clear to scientists that at around the fortieth day after conception, the fetus gains the status of a…
To Carry The Burden of Another Jew – Rabbi Yissochar Frand
Rabbi Yissochar Frand shares extraordinary stories of great Jewish leaders who personified the trait of 'Nosei B'ol Im Chaveiro', carrying…
The Consequences of Counting the People
The Torah forbids counting people directly and also says that this form of counting could cause a plague. This was…
Reb Abishel Is Put To The Test
Most of his money went to feed and clothe the poor
Returned From India To Die A Heroine’s Death
Hadar Buchris, just 21 years old, was stabbed to death at the Etzion Junction by an Arab terrorist
The Vegetarian Predator
Superficially, this plant looks innocent-looking, and even tempting to approach. But a closer look leaves us open-mouthed. The wonders of…
Conversion – A Question of Substance Not Ceremony
Jewish identity is not a membership label which one gets by joining the Party and identifying with its goals. Jewish…
Does Judaism Believe in Heaven and Hell? – Watch
Ollie Anisfeld discusses the Jewish approach to the concept of 'heaven and hell' with Rabbi Moshe Zeldman on the roof…
Can Plants Really Hear?
Amazing discoveries in botanical research on the language of plants, were already known to the Jewish Sages thousands of years…