What will the Third Temple Look Like? Watch Amazing Simulation

    Everyday we look forward to the moment we will witness the building of the Third Temple. In the meantime watch…

    Who Needs the Satan? Why Did G-d Make Him? (Part 1)

    What is myth and what is true about him?

    The Torah’s View on Organ Donation

    According to Judaism, are we allowed to donate organs after death?

    Who Needs the Satan? Why Did G-d Make Him? (Part 3)

    After he gets someone to sin he prosecutes him

    His Earnings Increased by 50% Percent – How Did Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky Respond?

    The barber stopped working on Shabbat, and was amazed: His profits increased by 50 percent. Is it permissible to try…

    Clarifying the Purpose of Life

    Traditional Jewish belief teaches that there is an objective “starting point” that applies equally to everyone and everything in the…

    The Standard American Diet is S.A.D for More than One Reason

    What will become of a generation that battles rampant health issues from a young age? The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee…

    The Hero’s Moment

    You can be a hero, too

    Miracle: Rocket Slams Into Highway near Gan Yavne just Missing Vehicles

    A traffic camera captured the moment a rocket landed on a highway near Gan Yavne in Israel on Tuesday, November…

    Watch: Historic Palace Discovered in Mosul

    The Assyrian King's palace was discovered during excavations conducted by Isis under the tomb of Jonah the Prophet in Mosul.…
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