Laws of Shabbat – Part 1: Preparing For Shabbat

    Proper preparation for Shabbat requires knowledge of many basic Halakhot. Rabbi Yoel Domb provides a basic overview of these halakhot

    Prélèvement international de la ‘Halla : la femme qui a préparé des ‘Halloths en Espagne et à Londres, le fait à présent en Israël  

    Sarah Tolédano a pris sur elle une mission : apprendre aux femmes à prélever la ‘Halla, non pas lors d’une cérémonie…

    Wonders of Creation: The Pelican Dive – Absolute Perfection

    The Pelican dives into water at a speed that can break its neck and even blind the bird. How does…

    Parshat Shekalim It’s Reasons and Laws

    When do we read Parshat Shekalim? What is the mitzvah of giving a half shekel? What was the purpose of…

    Watch: Rivka Malka Tells Her Story

    Watch Rivka Malka tell her fascinating story, how she came closer to Judaism

    Learn the Power of Unity from Budgies

    As a Group they are much more effective in all they do

    Rabbi Ovadia Yosef’s Message: Make Sure Your Home is Peaceful

    “Stringencies taken on by novices have nothing to do with Halacha and can cause domestic strife”

    Do you Crave Salty Snacks? This Study will Surprise You

    Do you find it difficult to resist salty snacks? According to a study, this has nothing to do with a…

    Parashat Chukat

    A primeira conta que uma pessoa terá que prestar, é pelo fato que viveu sem calcular seus atos

    Amelia Earhart: An 80 Year Old Aviation Mystery Solved?

    She may have been the first WWII American victim. Next week on July 24th is her 120th birthday.
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