How to Dress Modestly – Rivka Malka Perlman

    Everything you need to know! Clothing, Shopping tips! Make up and more! It's all in here

    ‘May Each Man Sit in Safety Under his Fig Tree and Under His Grapevine’

    This was President George Washington’s blessing to the Jewish community in Newport Rhode, Island 1790

    Watch: The Future is Here: The New Flying Car

    Get to know the new flying car that will probably market from 2019. Is this going to be the ultimate…

    Kosher Fish Go Against The Flow!

    Jews always go against the flow but how do they do it?

    Watch: Learn from an Antelope how to Never Give Up

    What chance of survival does an antelope have, verses a hungry cheetah and hyena? See and find out

    Holocaust Survivor Shmuel Beller Tells his Life Story at the Western Wall – Must See

    Shmuel Beller, 92, came to recite morning prayers at the Western Wall. Watch him relate his personal story as a…

    The Most Luxurious Weekend of the Year, Sept.8-10  

    Come relax for three days in a five star hotel, the magnificent Crown Plaza in Stamford CT. Enjoy a holiday…

    O SHABAT – Visitando o “Palácio do Rei” – 1

    Shabat Kodesh - Parte 1: Introdução

    What Does Shabbat Mean to You?

    Here's what it means to the man on the street

    A Drink will Help Shrink Abdominal Fat?

    This is a winning formula along with some other tips to fight obesity
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