What Side Is Best To Sleep On?

    Some scientists suggest that the left side may be the healthiest to sleep on at night. Is this true for…

    Underwater Tablet Dates Back to Bar Kochba Revolt

    The stone slab, dating to the second century, was found underwater at Tel Dor, south of the city of Haifa.

    What is Jewish Spirituality? Rabbi Michel Twerski

    Are we connecting to G-d in the correct way? Brought to you by 'Drops Of Light Project'

    Nothing Like The Present

    Amalek tries to discourage us with talk of inevitable failure

    The Nun Who Learned About Keeping Shabbat

    What does a religious family do who discovers that their refrigerator is disconnected on Friday night? The Kisus family did…

    Life after life – 3: Return of Souls as if they Were Alive

    "They told this account to Rabbi Noach, who then went into the room. When he saw the deceased he said…

    Parents Beware: Heat-Stroke Can Happen Indoors Too!

    Keep your eyes on your children and try to keep your home cool on a hot day

    Noah Kleiger Delivers Impassioned Speech at UN General Assembly

    In his speech for Holocaust Remembrance Day he said: "Specifically now that this whole generation is disappearing we need to…

    Watch: Cat Stuck on the Western Wall Rescued

    Worshipers at the Western Wall spotted a cat stranded high above the men's prayer plaza. Watch the original rescue operation

    Simcha Leiner: Stand Up For Each Other – Official Music Video

    Simcha Leiner is proud to present “Life’s better when your with your brother” a song celebrating the power that each…
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