Modesty and My Near Death Experience – Rivka Malka Perlman

    Everything we do, we can do it with joy. Hashem Loves You!

    Beri Weber: Riboin – Music Video

    Joggeuse la tué et enlevé avoir admettra et adn tests des par confondu sera nié, avoir après cruz, da manuel…

    Everything is Orchestrated from Above – Rebbetzin Feige Twerski

    “It’s the little things in life that are the big things”

    Watch the Wonderful Creatures of the Underwater Observatory in Eilat

    More Wonders of Creation: Take a peek at the magical coral reef underwater observatory in Eilat, Israel

    Watch: Looks Like this Truck is Pushing it a Little Too Far

    Know your limitations; make sure to draw the line before it’s too late! Gone viral

    A Lofty But Spiritual Reality – Leah Richeimer

    Host of ‘The Ladies Talk Show’ Leah Richeimer, explains how to bring infinite blessing into your marriage. Must see

    Teachings of Rav Yisrael Hopstein of Koznitz, the Koznitzer Maggid

    One of the primary disciples of the Rebbe Reb Meilech and the author of “Avodas Yisrael.”

    Translator of R. Zamir Cohen’s books in Russian: “His Classes Lifted My Heart”

    Paulina Ovis is a very busy woman: When not with her children and grandchildren, she devotes her time and skills…

    Watch: Learn from an Antelope how to Never Give Up

    What chance of survival does an antelope have, verses a hungry cheetah and hyena? See and find out
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