Watch the Wonderful Creatures of the Underwater Observatory in Eilat

    More Wonders of Creation: Take a peek at the magical coral reef underwater observatory in Eilat, Israel

    Ready to Tattoo? Think Twice!

    When I Look in the Mirror my Tattoos Cause Me Pain. I wish I could forget them.

    Watch: ’Potato Fish’. Does Such a Fish Exist?

    A potato fish seems to have been filmed off the coast of Ireland. See wonders of creation beneath the sea…

    Connections: Before and After – Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller

    Your soul is the light that gives you vision that takes you far beyond the confines that your body imposes

    Men’s Depression/Anxiety Support Group – A Therapy Alternative

    This may be your solution to overcome depression

    How to Fight the Evil Inclination

    Differences and similarities between conventional wars and the war against the evil inclination

    Jews are Ambassadors to the World

    As individuals, and as a community, we can and must take action to increase the sanctification of G-d's Name and…

    Watch: When the Underdog Wins

    A tiger climbs casually on the branches of a tree, waiting for the perfect moment to snatch an innocent monkey…

    Pasteurization in the Talmud

    “R. Yochanan said: [Drink] a cupful of witchcraft, but not a cupful of tepid water.” How Did Rabbi Yochanan Know…
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